Volunteer Week
With volunteer week approaching next week, April 10 -16th, we would like to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to the many, many volunteers who help at the Gardens at HCP. We could go on about their hard work in the gardens, the invaluable help and friendly faces in the offices, or even that we look forward to the new faces that our Arts & Music Festival brings in but, instead, we asked our volunteers WHY they volunteer. Here are a few of the responses:
- I volunteer for the cookies
- It's fun & I get to meet interesting people
- It keeps me out of the pub
- Being in touch with nature and connecting to our roots
- Because it is good for the soul
- Bring exposed to beauty
- Cookies!
- Because it is 7 minutes to Category 12 Brewery
As you can guess our volunteers are not only kind and generous souls, they have a fairly good sense of humour. We do have one last submission from a front desk volunteer who wrote: “I volunteer partly to give back to the community and partly to help myself after retirement. Volunteering with an organization I value helps give me a new purpose and maintain social connections. As an added bonus it keeps me on my toes and helps retain precious brain cells”.
Once again, thank you to all our volunteers who give to us their time, energy, stories, support, and friendship. We couldn't do it without you.