A Multi-Faceted Garden
Beginning in 1997 but more recently renovated between 2009-2012, The Herb Garden is an education and utilitarian garden. Each of its four quadrants differentiate based on plant use. The planting arrangements contrast shape and size to provide dimension and texture while combining modern and traditional culinary herbs with medicinal herbs and essential oils. This garden demonstrates herbal medicines, aromatherapy, culinary uses, and plant-based dyes.
Incorporating design elements from monastery and cloister gardens of medieval Europe to pre-Christian household gardens, the Herb Garden features a dry stone wall at the south end to deflect cool winds. The garden steps back in time as it teaches which native plants were traditionally used for foods and medicines. Don't let its historical background make you think it's low maintenance though! The intricate nature of this design requires customized care for planting, propagating, thinning, pruning, watering, harvesting, and using.
When you visit, touch the herbs (gently) and smell the fragrance emerge.