The Herb Garden

A demonstration of Heathers and companion plants that grow on a windy, sunny slope.

This garden takes you on a delightful and educational journey. The garden began in 1997 but was renovated between 2009-2012, differentiating each of its 4 quadrants based on plant use. The planting arrangements contrast shape and size to provide dimension as well as texture. The quadrants consist of both modern and traditional culinary herbs, medicinal herbs and essential oils. The central circle was planted with Dye plants in 2013. This garden incorporates design elements from monastery and cloister gardens of medieval Europe to pre-Christian household gardens. A dry stone wall at the south end is constructed to deflect cool winds (which can do more damage to plants then cool temperatures).

When you visit, touch the rosemary, thyme and lavender and be transported by their fragrances. In spite of the problem free characteristic of most herbs, this is not a low maintenance garden. The wide variety of plants require much in the way of customized care with respect to planting, propagating, thinning, pruning, watering, harvesting and preparing for use.

Learn what Native plants were traditionally used for food and discover the plants behind some traditional herbal medicines, aromatherapy, essential oils and plant-based dyes.