Through hardworking volunteers and grant funds, thousands of new trees have been planted and two kilometers of trails have been established through the Conservation Lands that the HCP cares for. The HCP is part of the 130 hectares Glendale Lands site that is co-owned and maintained with Camosun College, the Vancouver Island Technology Park, Layritz Municipal Park, and the District of Saanich. The new trails that HCP established are part of a much larger system that covers much of the Saanich Peninsula.
Land rehabilitation projects have included watershed regeneration for salmon and trout and more recently trail development.As increasing numbers of salmon have been returning to Colquitz creek, we are rehabilitating the HCP's portion of this watershed into winter feeding grounds for the salmon and cutthroat trout fry. There is already a small population of tiny cutthroat trout in the inlet stream to the flats. The infrastructure development led to the construction of trails, viewpoints, bird viewing platforms, and weir systems. These systems will balance conservation and public access to appreciate these areas while protecting the sensitive natural areas.
There is a parking lot at the inlet end of the flats and free public access of Interurban Road or the Vancouver Island Technology Park.