2024 Student Landscape Design Project - Accepting Applications

Each year, PHC students work with members of The Horticulture Centre of the Pacific and the public who are willing to offer their properties as landscape design student projects.

If your property is chosen, two to four PHC students will be assigned to your property to consult, design, and present their individual designs to the property owners. Please note that the project does not include the actual
installation of a design in your garden.

The Landscape Design instructor will review all landscape design student project applications and will contact
the short-listed properties to set up an appointment to visit the property before August 2024.

Please read through the following points carefully to see if your property fits the criteria:


  • Location: Your property is within the Greater Victoria Area (excluding Sooke and Metchosin).
  • Property Size: Your property is an average sized property which needs a backyard and/or front yard
    (and/or possible side yard) design. The size and the complexity of the property need to be suitable for
    a student project.
  • Availability: You are available for in-person consultations during from September – early November.
    The design process requires communication between client and designer(s) and your presence is essential.
  • Donation: Once your application is approved by the Landscape Design instructor, a $400 donation to
    the PHC Student Education Fund is required. Your donation will be used to fund student tool
    purchases, bursaries, and other expenses related to the college program (a tax receipt is available).
    The donation can be made by e-transfer to collegeadmin@hcp.ca, by cheque, in person, or over the

If you are interested in applying for this project, please fill out the 2024 Landscape Design - Application and email to collegeoffice@hcp.ca or drop it off at Pacific Horticulture College/the Gardens at HCP by July 26, 2024 .