HCP Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Horticulture Centre of the Pacific will be held in the Couvelier Pavilion on:
Sunday May 6, 2018 at 11:00 AM
We are at that time of year again where we welcome and encourage our members to join us in reviewing the highlights of the previous year. There are many highlights to share, but we will do our best to keep it to approximately an hour. This meeting of the Members of the HCP has been called in accordance with the Bylaws of the Society to consider only the business and motions as contained in the Agenda.
Please note:
• You must be a member in good standing to vote at the AGM (current HCP member)
• Quorum of 15 members must be present for the AGM to proceed so please come out to the AGM and support the gardens
• Voting at the AGM is done by a show of hands;
o Individual membership is entitled to one vote
o Couple memberships are entitled to two votes
o Group memberships are entitled to one vote
o Corporate memberships are entitled to one vote
o Voting by proxy is not permitted
• Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements are available in PDF format. Click this LINK to view.
1. Opening & Welcome
2. Confirmation of Quorum
3. Acceptance of the Minutes of the 2017 AGM
4. Highlights & Achievements of 2017
5. Presentation of 2017 Financial Statements
6. Appointment of the Auditors for 2018
7. Election of Directors (See below)
8. Recognition of Retiring Directors
9. Closing

Election of Directors
Continuing for the 3rd Year of a 2nd 3 Year Term
Larry Phillips
Continuing for the 3rd Year of a 1st 3 Year Term
Rhordon Wikkramatileke
Jim Haskins
Continuing for the 2nd Year of a 1st 3 Year Term
Jane Burns
Gail Gabel
Being Presented for Election
to the 1st Year of a 2nd 3 Year Term
Ian Duncan
Being Presented for Election
to the 1st Year of a 1st 3 Year Term
Steve KIeinschmidt
Shannon von Kaldenberg
Retiring from the Board
Rob de Gros
Stephanie Holmes
Ed Chwyl