Growing vegetables from seed is a fun way for children to become self reliant and aware of their own food security. This class includes the introduction to growing 6 different cool weather crops from seed, their maintenance and replanting information. Participants will learn about the best soils to use for starting seeds, how to water, when to harden off and how to plan for successive crops. Participants will take home a tray with their planted seeds and the potential to fill a small garden or several containers with seasonal vegetables.
*Family members are welcome to participate (in the safety of your home) for a virtual session which can be accessed at your convenience and an instruction sheet the workshop. Our take-home kits will be prepared as they are ordered and a pick- up date assigned for safe distribution.
Age: 6 years +
Fee: $20/child members, $25/child non-members
Take-home kits are the same price as in person workshop.
Registration: Online below or call 250 479 6162
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