Four Great Squash Recipes
Staff BlogsFall … a time of falling leaves, cooler nights … and squash. LOTS of squash!!! Growing up on a squash farm, my mother would add squash to almost every recipe […]

A Garden for all Occasions
Staff BlogsWe love that the Garden is used in so many ways. From future horticulturists learning their trade to weddings where couples begin their lives together here, there is always something […]

Tips & Tricks for your Wedding
Staff BlogsAs a new employee at the HCP, nothing could have prepared me for the excitement that this summer would bring. Tasked with helping out with events, there's something new and […]

Tips & Tricks for your Wedding
Staff BlogsAs a new employee at the HCP, nothing could have prepared me for the excitement that this summer would bring. Tasked with helping out with events, there's something new and […]

Looking Back at Arts & Music
Staff BlogsThe Gardens were alive and buzzing this past weekend with over 50 local artists and musicians showcasing their talent to the Gardens' many visitors. With 1500 people touring through the […]

Looking Back at Arts & Music
Staff BlogsThe Gardens were alive and buzzing this past weekend with over 50 local artists and musicians showcasing their talent to the Gardens' many visitors. With 1500 people touring through the […]

Propagating Succulents
Staff BlogsSucculents: natures gift to the "low maintenance gardener". Here at the HCP we're in love with these no fuss, easy - to - grow plants. Whether they're creeping along the rock […]

Plant Identification with Diane Pierce
Staff BlogsAfter a thoroughly enjoyable Plant Identification class, I found myself wondering how the instructor, Diane Pierce remembers so much about the subject. The obvious answer is that she loves plants […]

Garlic Scapes
Staff BlogsHave you tried them yet? These long unnoticed early harvests from your hardneck garlic are tasty and people are starting to catch on! To harvest, cut the long curling tendrils […]

The Gardens at HCP is Hiring - Summer Students
Staff BlogsThe Gardens at HCP is hiring three summer students. Please see below for position and application descriptions: Position 1: Gardens Assistant The Gardens at HCP is a public garden and […]

Honey Bees at the HCP
Staff BlogsThe Gardens at HCP is a place teeming with life, both flora, and fauna. Besides the humans working hard there are a plethora of critters a visitor may encounter during […]